Forum of Young Leaders of Moldova (#FYLM): DAY 1

Forum of Young Leaders of Moldova (#FYLM): DAY 1

Almost 60 participants from the entire Republic of Moldova, struggling with rain, wind and wild roads on their journey to the Forum of Young Leaders of Moldova – #FYLM! But don´t worry, we fixed it, even with the great support from the Ministry of Urgent Situations of Moldova.

The biggest challenge though is yet to come. How to unite 60 people from different regions, cities, towns? How to make them active and get to know each other? Of course, through the ice-breaking and trust games. It was an amazing activity-day for everyone.

It is very important to create an interactive and effective team work. The background topic of the event was “Community building and development” and in line with it we tried to make strong link among the participants from the very beginning.

Later, participants had an opportunity to discuss with Veronika Pavlikova Klindova – journalist, teacher, communication coordinator of marketing strategy at Teach for Slovakia and founder of the Slovak initiative #somtu, which is a social media movement fighting hatespeech on Facebook. Thanks to her own research, she found out that there is a much wider problem in society when it comes to hatespeech and she decided to take an active part in solving this problem.

In her own words, for the world to be whole, it needs diversity, interesting and fresh ideas, new perspectives of how to look at problems. “We ourselves are the ones who can bring this perspective. We need to know, that there will be days, when we want to give up. But until there is no improvement or solution, we should not step back. We need to break a problem down to smaller pieces and then, day by day, fix these partial problems which, finally, will lead to great outcomes.”


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