Final stage! Work on project goes very intensive. Participants were preparing problem analysis and idea description, but what about funds?
We started the third day with the presentation of Constantin Țurcanu, Director of the Department of youth in Ministry of Education, Culture and Researches of Republic of Moldova. Constantin presented main tools of state support for youth initiatives and possibility of participating in state budget distribution and that helped our leaders to solve problems with their project budgeting.
After final adjustments of projects, participants presented their proposals to 2 evaluating project managers: Samuel Goda and Veacheslav Dudush. Veacheslav, as a young successful entrepreneur was focusing on sustainability of the project and opportunities for funding and Samuel on civic impact and specification of goals of the projects.
Main task of managers was to give participants constructive feedback. During 3 hours, we could hear not only real problems young people face, but also concrete ideas and solutions to them. This was very inspiring bot for participants as well as for us as organization team.
After evaluating the projects of participants, the participants evaluated our event! During the very informal debate we received very constructive feedback which can help to improve FYLM for the future!
A treia zi este etapa finală! Dezvoltarea proiectul se dezvolta intens. Participanții au pregătit o analiză a problemei și o descriere a ideii, dar unde sa obtinem finantarea?
A treia zi am început cu prezentare a lui Konstantin Țurcanu, directorul Departamentul pentru Problemele Tineretului al Ministerului Educației, Culturii și Cercetării al Republicii Moldova Explicarea principalelor instrumente de susținere de stat a inițiativelor de tineret și participarea la distribuirea bugetului de stat, a ajutat liderii noștri să rezolve problemele cu bugetul proiectelor.
După ajustarea finală a proiectului, participanții ar putea încerca să prezinte soluțiile sale in formă de proiecte in fata managerilor de proiect :
Samuel Goda și Vyacheslav Dudush. D-n Dudush ca un tanar antreprenor de succes, a acordat o atenție deosebită durabilității proiectului și posibilitățile bugetare, dl Goda–a vorbit despre efectele scopurilor civile și caietul de sarcini.
Sarcina principală a managerilor a fost aceea de ada În timpul de3 ore informatia despre adevărate probleme de tineret și ideile concrete și căile de soluționare a acestora.
Am primit multe feedback – uri constructivi din partea participanților, care ne vor ajuta în viitor să creăm un eveniment mult mai bun!
Overall objective of the project is to contribute to increased participation of civil society in public policy formulation and implementation, while focusing to increase confidence building measures between ATU Gagauzia and central government of Republic of Moldova, and promoting synergies between the public and private sectors in order to enhance their abilities to meet consensus and thus mutual progress. Specific objective is to establish a permanent, coherent and thematically structured debate forum between public institutions and civil society, primary but not only at ATU level as well as to build capacities of young leaders in order to involve them into decision making process of regional government and support of Gagauzian civil society in general.
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